April 21, 2007

Yamanaka Lake, Yamanashi (April 20th & 21st)

Mt. Fuji and Yamanaka Lake.

We went to Yamanaka Lake this weekend to stay at the nice cottage pension named Marimo, where we have kept visiting once or twice every year since 5 or 6 years ago. On the day before we went there it was snowy there, and when we got there and hiked from Kagosaka pass to Mikuni pass, the trail was covered with snow all the way. We didn't expect that much snowfall, so we soaked our feet and exhausted after the hike. We walked down the street to Hirano and then Ishiwari-no-yu Hot Spring and relaxed for a while and then went to the pension. The pension is so nice and cozy. We had nice dinner with some local wine from Kizan winery, which tastes so good. Next day we hiked up to the top of the hill behind the pension and walked down to Oshino Hakkai area. Then took the bus to Fujiyoshida sta. and back home.

5,6年前より度々お世話になっている山中湖のペンションまりもへ出かけてきました。前日、雪が降ったらしく、籠坂峠からあざみ平、三国山、三国峠へと続 く道は、くるぶしから膝下辺りまで雪で埋まっていて、ウサギやらタヌキやらの足跡をたどりながらのハイキングとなりました。ペンションでの食事は相変わら ずとてもすばらしくて、お勧めの機山ワインと一緒においしくいただきました。

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