June 27, 2016

Eagle Summit, Part 3 (June 23rd)

Anemone narcissiflora (Narcissus-flowered anemone). 

Here is the third bunch of the pictures taken at the Eagle Summit Wayside area.
Strong wind was blowing on the ridge of the hill and found some interestingly-shaped flowers adapting to the harsh environment on the tundra.


The top of the hill was covered with crispy-textured lichens.

Tephroseris yukonensis (Yukon groundsel).
Amazingly hairy one! 

I couldn't identify this plant...
Maybe some kind of saxifraga?

If anyone could identify this,
please let me know.

Lagotis minor (Little Weaselsnout).

Lagotis minor (Little Weaselsnout).
Here is the one with my fingers, so you can tell how small this species is,
compared with the one growing in Japan, 

Ranunculus nivalis (Snow Buttercup).

Lagopus muta (Rock Ptarmigan).
The same kind lives in Northern Alps of Japan. 

Lagopus muta (Rock Ptarmigan).

Lagopus muta (Rock Ptarmigan).
 We found two of them and they were only 6 feet away from me.
They kept eating early supper as long as I stayed still.

Lagopus muta (Rock Ptarmigan).

Isn't it amazing?
It was so clear and so blue!

It looks like a normal swallowtail.
We saw 2 people searching and hunting for insects.

Potentilla rubricaulis (Rocky Mountain Cinquefoil).

Potentilla rubricaulis (Rocky Mountain Cinquefoil).
The leaves are covered with tiny hair.

Dryas octopetala (Eightpetal Mountain Avens, or Mountain Avens).
We found this species in the high mountain in Japan, too.

Dryas octopetala (Eightpetal Mountain Avens, or Mountain Avens).
This part of the hill was covered with lots of this species.

Minuartia macrocarpa (Longpod Stichwort, or Longpod Sandwort). 

Steese Highway and the mountains.
If you keep going to right, you can get to Circle via Central.

Silene acaulis (moss campion, or cushion pink).
I had taken more pictures of this kind of flower than enough, 
but I couldn't resist to taking even more pictures,
because it looked so unique and pretty.

Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis (Mountain Campion, or Apetalous Catchfly).

Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis (Mountain Campion, or Apetalous Catchfly).

Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis (Mountain Campion, or Apetalous Catchfly).

Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis (Mountain Campion, or Apetalous Catchfly).

Tephroseris lindstroemii (Twice-Hairy Butterweed). 

Castilleja hyperborea (Northern Indian Paintbrush).

Aconitum delphiniifolium (Larkspurleaf Monkshood, or Northern Monkshood).
The leaves looks like the ones of delphinium.

Aconitum delphiniifolium (Larkspurleaf Monkshood, or Northern Monkshood).

Aconitum delphiniifolium (Larkspurleaf Monkshood, or Northern Monkshood).

Tephroseris lindstroemii (Twice-Hairy Butterweed). 

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