Viola orientalis (Kisumire)
Today's course:
Fujikyu Kawaguchiko sta. - by bus - Asagiri Greenpark busstop - Fumoto - walked down the trail called Tokai Shizen Hodou - A-sawa reservoir - Nebara busstop - Kawaguchiko sta. -Kawaguchiko YH.
We went to Asagiri Kougen area to see the one of the yellow kinds of violet, Viola orientalis (Kisumire) after I found some information about it on the internet the other day. We got to the Kawaguchiko sta. around 8:40 AM and took the bus to there at 9:40 AM. Got there around 10:30 AM and started walking down the trail by the farm, where we saw some sheep and cows. We happened to see a Capricornis crispus (Nihon Kamoshika, Japanese serow) running away and found some bones and skins of dead deer right beside the trail. We also heard lots of voices of pheasants all the way. It started a little bit rainning after 30 minutes or so and we put on our rain jackets. After walking for another 30 minutes we finally found the yellow violets...quite a few of them hiding at the bottoms of dried Susuki grass. Luckily, the sun came back at that time so we took lots of pictures of the yellow violets.
河口湖ユースホステル滞在の 旅、一日目は、キスミレを探しに朝霧高原へ行ってきました。河口湖駅からバスで45分ほどで朝霧グリーンパーク前に着くと、空 はどんよりと今にも雨が降ってきてしまいそうな様子で、歩き始めて30分ほどしたら案の定、小雨が降りだしてしまいました。幸い、それほどひどい雨にはな らず、時折、太陽が顔を出してくれたので、カヤ野原の足元に咲くキスミレを見つけた時は、雨もやんで沢山写真を撮ることができました。
The backside of the top 2 petals are colored redish.
Quite a few of them have 2 flowers or one flower with one flower bud.
Hiding at the foot of grass.
They look like marching in a line.
Viola rossi (Akebono Sumire)
Viola Eizanensis (Eizan Sumire)
Viola orientalis (Kisumire)
The one with fading color.
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