April 30, 2007

Haha no Shirataki, Kawaguchiko (April 30th)

Waterfall named Haha no Shirataki near Kawaguchi lake.

Today's course:
Kawaguchiko YH - Kawaguchiko sta. - by bus - Kawaguchi-kyoku-mae busstop - walked up to Haha no Shirataki waterfall -back to Kawaguchi Sengen shrine - Hot spring named Tensui -by bus - Kawaguchiko sta. - by trains - home.

For the last day of traveling around Kawaguchiko area, we were originally planned to hike up to Mt. Mitsutouge, but we noticed it was still too early for flowers up on the ridges of the mountains around there from the hike on Mt. Kurotake the day before, we decided to change our plan and went to see if any Viola mirabilis var. subglagra (Ibuki Sumire) beside the creek from Haha no Shirataki waterfall. I didn't expected we could see them so easy but actually we found some of them just in a while after we started the trail. However, we couldn't find the trail we wanted first and turned out to follow the car road up to the waterfall. The waterfall is much bigger and more interesting than I expected. From there, we could finally follow the trail right beside the creek and found lots of Viola mirabilis var. subglagra (Ibuki Sumire) plants. It was first time for us to see them, so we got excited and took bunch of the pictures. They spread pretty good at the area all the way down to the shrine, so at some of the place the violets were just starting and at the some of the place they were in peak, and at the other the flowers were nearly finishing. This violet has an interesting character. After flowering, the stem grows and the leaves comes out right beside the seed... It is hard to explain, but you can tell something weird is happening when you see some of the pictures after flowering below.

河口湖の旅、最終日は、予定を変更して母の白滝へ。もともとのは三つ峠 でゲンジスミレを探すという無謀な計画があったのですが、昨日の御坂周辺のハイクで 予想以上にこの辺は春が遅いらしいことに気が付いたのと、ちょっと歩くのは疲れてしまったので楽をしたいという怠け心から予定を変更したのでした。この辺 りでイブキスミレを見たという情報をネットで見つけたことがあったので、密かには狙っていたのですが、今回ようやく確かめに行くことができました。登り は、河口浅間神社から道を誤って車道をたどる羽目になったのですが、歩き始めて早々、早くもイブキスミレを見つけてしまいました。思っていたよりも大きめ でしっかりとした印象のスミレでした。その後、車道沿いにはタチツボスミレやらイカリソウやらが咲いていて、滝に一時間ほどでたどり着くと、そこにはナガ バノスミレサイシンが咲いていました。滝自体も想像していた以上に見ごたえのある立派な滝で、ここから、ようやっと沢沿いの道を見つけて下ることができま した。この沢沿いがイブキスミレの宝庫で、沢山の株が沢沿いに元気よく育っていました。場所によりこれから花のところもあれば、まさに花が咲いている箇所 もあり、もう終わりかけという場所もあって、このスミレの特徴である「花期の後、茎が伸びる」ということを目で実感することができました。

Viola bisseti (Nagaba no Sumire saishin)

Viola mirabilis var. subglagra (Ibuki Sumire)

Viola mirabilis var. subglagra (Ibuki Sumire)

This one is nearly finishing the flower. See a leaf is coming up to the flower.

The leaves coming all the way up to the bottom of the spur after flowering.

Viola mirabilis var. subglagra (Ibuki Sumire) after flowering.

This one is also after flowering.




This one looks like a little bouquet.

Beautifuly shaped leaves and flowers.

Misaka Kurodake Area, Kawaguchiko (April 29th)

Mt. Fuji and Kawaguchi Lake from the viewspot near the top of Mt. Kurodake.

Today's course:
Kawaguchiko YH - Kawaguchiko sta. - by bus - Tenkachaya busstop -Mt. Misaka - Misaka Pass - Mt. Kurodake - Mt. Hafu - Shindou Pass - Ooishi busstop - by bus - Kawaguchiko sta. - back to the hostel.

For the second day at the Kawaguchiko area, we hiked the trail on the ridge of the moutains at the north of Kawaguchi lake. There was no single clound in the morning and we could see beautiful and clear view of Mt. Fuji and Kawaguchi lake down to the one side from the trail on the ridge and the snowed ridges of South Alps, Mt. Yatsugatake and even North Alps down to the other side. It was still to early for flowers to bloom on that ridge, so we couldn't find any violets except some Viola grypoceras (Tachitsubo Sumire), but on the way to Mt. Misaka we found one flower of Viola yazawana (Hime Sumire Saishin), and on the way to Mt. Korodake we found one Viola collina (Ezo Aoi Sumire) flower. Both of those we saw for the first time and we didn't expect see them there, so it was pretty exciting. Most of the other hikers passing didn't even care of them, though... We are getting crazy about the violets...
One the way to Mt. Kurodake we also saw some leaves of Erythronium japonicum (Katakuri), but it was still too early so there wasn't even single flower bud comming out yet.
From Shindou pass, we walked down to Ooishi area beside Kawaguchi lake. On the trail from the pass we found Viola orientalis (Kisumire) flowers here and there once again. No matter how many pictures I had taken at Asagiri on the day before, I took bunch of the pictures of them again. Because they are so cute flowers... Don't you think so?

河口湖YH滞在、2日目は、天下茶屋から御坂山、御坂峠、黒岳、破風山、新道峠から大石へ下るコースを歩きました。こ の辺りはまだまだ春が遅いらしく、タ チツボスミレも転々と咲いている程度で、花らしい花はほとんど見当たりませんでした。が、御坂山への登りでヒメスミレサイシンを1輪、黒岳へ向かう途中、 エゾアオイスミレを1輪見つけることができました。両方ともお初だったので、たった2輪の花ですが自分としてはかなり満足でした。何といってもこの日は雲 ひとつない快晴だったので、富士も綺麗に見られましたし、南アルプスも八ヶ岳も遠く北アルプスまで見渡すことができました。新道峠から大石へ下るスイッチ バックの繰り返しでは、愛らしいキスミレにまたもお目にかかることができました。

Viola yazawana (Hime Sumire Saishin)

Viola yazawana (Hime Sumire Saishin)

Viola collina (Ezo Aoi Sumire)

Viola orientalis (Kisumire)

Cute little flower looks like the face of a red panda.

This one wants to look up the sky.

It is so bright in the sun shine.

Asagiri Kougen, Shizuoka (April 28th)

Viola orientalis (Kisumire)

Today's course:
Fujikyu Kawaguchiko sta. - by bus - Asagiri Greenpark busstop - Fumoto - walked down the trail called Tokai Shizen Hodou - A-sawa reservoir - Nebara busstop - Kawaguchiko sta. -Kawaguchiko YH.
We went to Asagiri Kougen area to see the one of the yellow kinds of violet, Viola orientalis (Kisumire) after I found some information about it on the internet the other day. We got to the Kawaguchiko sta. around 8:40 AM and took the bus to there at 9:40 AM. Got there around 10:30 AM and started walking down the trail by the farm, where we saw some sheep and cows. We happened to see a Capricornis crispus (Nihon Kamoshika, Japanese serow) running away and found some bones and skins of dead deer right beside the trail. We also heard lots of voices of pheasants all the way. It started a little bit rainning after 30 minutes or so and we put on our rain jackets. After walking for another 30 minutes we finally found the yellow violets...quite a few of them hiding at the bottoms of dried Susuki grass. Luckily, the sun came back at that time so we took lots of pictures of the yellow violets.

河口湖ユースホステル滞在の 旅、一日目は、キスミレを探しに朝霧高原へ行ってきました。河口湖駅からバスで45分ほどで朝霧グリーンパーク前に着くと、空 はどんよりと今にも雨が降ってきてしまいそうな様子で、歩き始めて30分ほどしたら案の定、小雨が降りだしてしまいました。幸い、それほどひどい雨にはな らず、時折、太陽が顔を出してくれたので、カヤ野原の足元に咲くキスミレを見つけた時は、雨もやんで沢山写真を撮ることができました。

The backside of the top 2 petals are colored redish.

Quite a few of them have 2 flowers or one flower with one flower bud.

Hiding at the foot of grass.

They look like marching in a line.

Viola rossi (Akebono Sumire)

Viola Eizanensis (Eizan Sumire)

Viola orientalis (Kisumire)
The one with fading color.

April 26, 2007

Takamizu 3 Mountains, Mitake area (April 26th)

Summit of Mt. Takamizu.

Today's course:
JR Mitake sta. - Mt. Sougaku - Mt. Iwatakeishi - Mt. Takamizu - JR Ikusabata sta.

We went to hike through what is called Takamizu 3 mountains: Mt. Sougaku, Mt. Iwatakeishi and Mt. Takamizu at the Mitake area on the way to Okutama.
We did this course 2 times before, but we didn't notice that there are so many violets through this trail until this time. We found lots of Viola sieboldi (Fumoto Sumire), Viola violacea var. makinoi (Makino Sumire) and Viola rossi (Akebono Sumire). Especially Viola rossi (Akebono Sumire) were spreading around near the top of all the 3 mountains.

高水三山をめぐるコースを歩いてきました。天気も良くて新緑がとてもきれいでした。前に2度このコースを歩いたことがあるのですが、こんなにスミレが咲い ているコースだとは気が付きもしませんでした。マキノスミレもアケボノスミレも、それほど気をつけて探さなくても見つけられるくらいかなりの数、咲いてい ました。アケボノスミレは、小河内峠付近で先日見つけたものよりも色味が濃くて、葉っぱもかなり展開していました。エイザンスミレ、ナガバノスミレサイシ ンも見られましたが、もうそろそろ花期も終盤といった感じでした。

Viola sieboldi (Fumoto Sumire)

Viola sieboldi (Fumoto Sumire)

Viola violacea var. makinoi (Makino Sumire)

Viola violacea var. makinoi (Makino Sumire)

Viola violacea var. makinoi (Makino Sumire)

Viola rossi (Akebono Sumire)

Viola rossi (Akebono Sumire)
The leaves are shaped heart.

Viola rossi (Akebono Sumire)

Viola rossi (Akebono Sumire)