March 18, 2007

Takao Area (March 18th, Sun.)

(photo 1)

(photo 2)

(Today's course)
JR Takao Sta. (10:20) - Ochiai (10:35) - Kompira shrine (11:50) - Lunch - Jataki trail - Jataki guchi (13:40) - Takao Baigo - JR Takao Sta. (15:30)

This weekend we went to see if any Cymbidium goeringii starts blossoming in Takao area. When we got to the spot, we found a covey of Chinese Bamboo Partridges eating breakfast. On the trail up to Kompira shrine at the middle of Mt. Takao, we could find several plants with buds, but only a few of them had flowers. It was still a little early for the orchids. From the big gate on the way to Yakuoh-in temple, we took the trail down to Jataki (snake waterfall). After following the trail beside the creek, we walked down the path through the Takao Baigou (plum blossom garden area), and then back to the Takao sta. There weren't many people taking these trails, so we enjoyed quiet hiking with finding pretty many kinds of early spring flowers.

The flowers found at...
The trail to Kompira shrine:
Cymbidium goeringii
(photo 1).

Jataki area:
Anemone flaccida
Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum (Hana Nekonome, photo 2),
Chrysosplenium macrostemon var. atrandrum (Yogore Nekonome),
Viola hondoensis (Aoi Sumire),
Mitella pauciflora (Kocharumerusou).

Takao Baigou area:
Corydalis lineariloba
(Yama Engosaku, photo 4),
Gagea lutea, Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem (Kibana no Amana, photo 5),
Oxalis griffithii (Miyama Katabami, photo 3),
Anemone raddeana (Azuma Ichige),
Viola yezoensis f. discolor (Takao Sumire, photo 6).

高 尾周辺はいろいろ歩いていたつもりでしたが、蛇滝口から高尾梅郷を通り抜けるコースは実は今回初めてでした。住宅地のすぐ裏手なのにもかかわらず、比較 的狭いエリアにたくさんの種類の植物を目にすることができました。最後の最後に、早咲きのタカオスミレが見られたこともうれしい驚きでした。

(photo 3)

(photo 4)

(photo 5)

(photo 6)

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