Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
We saw this lovely flower for the first time!
We went to climb Mt. Sumon in Niigata to see some Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri) flowers, which only grow in the limited areas of Niigata, Fukushima and Yamagata.
We both have never seen this kind of lily, so we were so excited to find some of them on the way to the top of Mt. Ootake via the Hokkyuure course.
We found lots of them blooming right after passing the summit of Mt. Ootake.
When we started to climb in the early morning, it was cloudy, but it turned out to be sunny and hot when we walked on the ridge to Mt. Sumon's highest peak (Mt. Hakamadake) via Mt. Aokumodake.
After the lunch at the top of Mt. Hakamadake, we went down on the Ooshirakawa course, where the owner of the inn picked us up.
*Mt. Sumon is the name for the three peaks: Mt. Ootake, Mt. Aokumodake, and Mt. Hakamadake (the highest one).
The starting point of the Hokkyuure course.
The hut seemed closed... From here we climbed on the mudy and steep stairs for a while.
Chamaepericlymenum canadense (Gozen Tachibana).
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
Near the sign of "Fudou Daira", we found the first pink lily flower!
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
This one was practically white.
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
The flower had lovely fraglance.
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
The lily was pretty small and lovely.
The top of Mt. Ootake.
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
After passing the summit of Mt. Ootake, we found amazing patch of the pink lilies!
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
There were lots of them blooming!
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri).
Lilium rubellum (Hime Sayuri, or Otome Yuri) and Mt. Sumon.
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