The view from the window of the inn in the morning.
We found that it snowed a lot during the night. We decided to look around the town until the noon. And we stopped by one of the local public baths. After leaving Echigo Yuzawa, we arrived home by 5 PM.
(Day 5)
Echigo Yuzawa Sta. (12:00 - 12:48) Minakami Sta. (12:50 - 13:57) Takasaki Sta. (13:57 - 15:44) Ueno Sta. - Kansa Sta. - Musashi-sakai Sta.
The roof of the inn we stayed.
It got water pipe to melt the snow.
The Minshuku Miyata we stayed.
The place was pretty comfortable.
Deep snow now.
Can you see the guy clearing off the snow on the top of the building?
The cars hidden in the snow.
Quite a few skiing places.
Yama-no-yu at Echigo Yuzawa.
Yama-no-yu at Echigo Yuzawa.
Yama-no-yu at Echigo Yuzawa.
Echigo Yuzawa Sta.
The train to Minakami at Echigo Yuzawa Sta.
Minakami Sta.
The sky was blue there.
Mt. Joushuu Mitsumine near Gokan Sta.
Thanks for sparing your wonderful and original trip. Snow and baths at the menu is a good idea for relaxing.
I have bought a Japan's map and now I can know exactly where you have gone.
JR is about bus or train ? The indications on the maps of JR are in japanese. It looks difficult if you don't read japanese ... How to do then ?
As before I have discovered a lot by reading you. The text is very pleasant and instructive.
Your father has been lucky with sake...
All the best
It was a little bit cold but really fun to bath in the snow.
JR stands for Japan Railway, which is the biggest railroad company in Japan, and which used to be one of the national companies.
The maps in the trains and the stations show the English names of the places with Japanese ones.
I'm Japanese, so I have no trouble reading the maps, but it is pretty hard to figure out all the train schedule, though... I used online schedule search and also the schedule book of JR they sell at the bookstores and the stations.
Thanks for the explanation. Perhaps if one day I come to Japan and uses the train for moving I could get a map in japanese and english. I shall ask soon in a tourism office here in France.
I thought of the JNTO, Office du tourisme japonais in France.
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