View from a bridge near Kori sta.
Today's course:
JR Kori sta. - Mt. Ootsuka - Mt. Mitake - walked down to the river - JR Mitake sta.
We climbed up to Mt. Mitake from Kori station for the first time today. On the way to the ridge to Mt. Ootsuka, we saw lots of Viola bisseti (Nagaba no Sumire Saishin) leaves, which grew bigger after flowering. The spring green leaves are so beautiful on the ridge and found some Viola sieboldi (Fumoto Sumire) here and there to Mt. Ootsuka and Mt. Mitake. At the top of Mt. Mitake we found lots of Viola grypoceras (Tachitsubo sumire), but that kind was practically the only kind of violet you could see there this time of the year. Viola bisseti (Nagaba no Sumire Saishin) and Viola eizanensis (Eizan Sumire) plants got bigger leaves left on the ground without flowers. On the way down to the cable car station at the bottom of the mountain we found some Viola keiskei (Maruba sumire) here and there. There were lots and lots of people and cars there. There was even traffic jam for the cars waiting for the parking lots on the way to the cable car station. At the river we soaked our feet and drank some beer, and then took trains back home from Mitake sta.
古里駅から大塚山経由で御岳山に行ってきました。新緑の色合いもだいぶ深みを増してきたように感じます。奥多摩方面もGWのためか多くの人でにぎわってい ました。大塚山周辺ではフモトスミレが見られましたが、アケボノスミレもほとんど終わりかけで、ナガバノスミレサイシンは大きな葉だけを残しています。御 岳山頂上周辺ではタチツボスミレが沢山咲いていましたが、その他のスミレは花期を過ぎたようです。頂上から下る立派な杉並木ではマルバスミレをまだ見るこ とができました。多摩川の冷たい水に足をつけて、ビールを飲んで休憩した後、御嶽駅より帰路に着きました。
Viola sieboldi (Fumoto Sumire)
Viola keiskei (Maruba Sumire)
Viola keiskei (Maruba Sumire)
1 comment:
Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you
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