Jindaiji Soba noodles at Yuusui Soba shop.
It was cloudy and misty and chilly today, so we decided to go to hot spring at Jindaiji, Chofu. We walked to there from home, and stopped by the decent Soba (buckwheat noodle) shop, Yuusui for lunch before the hot spring. The noodles were really tasty and Tempura was also great. After lunch we went to Jindaiji hot spring, Yukari and the water is really dark brown like coffee and feels a little bit slippy. After first bathing we had siesta there for 3 hours, then soak ourselves in the hot water for a while again and left for Chofu sta. to see the firework festival there. There were lots and lots of people from Chofu sta. to the Tama river, where the festival was held. It continued for 70 minutes without any break, just keeping shooting the fireworks. It was pretty amazing and beautiful. After that we walked back to the Chofu sta. in the crowd and took bus back home.
今 日は小雨 が降っていて、肌寒かったので、深大寺温泉ゆかりに行くことにしました。途中、「湧水」で天ざるをいただきました。細い麺ですが、しっかりコシ があって、角がかっきりしていて、とてもおいしいお蕎麦でした。そばで有名な深大寺ですが、意外と「あれ?」なお店が少なくない中で、ちゃんとおいしい蕎 麦が頂けるお勧めのお店です。温泉につかった後、休息所でしばし昼寝と思ったところ、3時間以上も寝込んでしまいました。 もう一度、お湯につかった後、送迎バスで調布駅まで出て、花火大会の多摩川会場へ歩いて行きました。ものすごい人だかりで圧倒されてしまったのですが、い ざ花火が始まると、思いのほかひっきりなしにあがる花火に、すっかり魅せられてしまいました。
Jidaiji Hot Spring Yukari.
Lots of shops and people and cops by the Tama river.